Gephyrophillia | Watch This Space #154

Originally Posted on 07/16/2007 by Jeff Harris

Let's see, in the matter of months, I've looked at the new Toonami, called out the somewhat racist overtones of the term "anime," gave reasons why The CW must get rid of the Kids' WB name, and called one of the "greatest" science-fiction sagas an unoriginal B-movie franchise. Also in that same period, I've basically launched a revolution against otakus and animation elites simply by telling folks who I am. Last week, I celebrated my site's ninth anniversary by revealing a new look and new sections one week at a time.

And yet, at times it seem like nobody cares but me. I've essentially created a webpage that is just like all the other sites out there, filled with verbose commentary on an entertainment industry many people in the United States feel is a children's medium. When people look at the site, a quarter of the readers tend to dig it (and for that, I'm thankful), another quarter are offended (hey, if I touched a nerve from time to time, I must be doing something right), another quarter aren't sure what to make of it (I can kind of see why at times), and the last quarter wants to find Naruto pictures to use for avatars and signature images on message boards (go elsewhere, this isn't that kind of site). Yeah, I outlasted sites that were better than mine (admittedly, they were often ran by groups of individuals while mine has been largely a one-man operation since day one). I've also outlasted sites that were worst than mine. My site is one of the oldest continously-updated Toonami fansites on the internet (and the fact that The X Bridge has been around longer than the official Toonami site also fills me with a little pride, but admittedly, aside from TICA Base [which will relaunch in a few] and WTS articles centered around the block, it's really not that much a Toonami fansite exclusively).

Hell, I served as a muse for the creation of a network back in 2002 (of course, I wasn't much of a muse; though they contacted me from time to time, they really didn't listen to anything I had to say, and the network, once called CNX and later called Toonami, is dead). I'm working on a comic imprint, meaning that instead of criticizing creators, I am a creator as well.

But none of that matters.

What I've created with The X Bridge is a site. An incomplete site, and I've made it a point that it will always be incomplete. In other words, it's never going to be totally "finished" as long as I have something to say.

But now, it's a Monday afternoon when I was writing this. The week is young, and for the first time in a long time, I feel at ease at the direction of The X Bridge, at least for the next nine months. I know that by the time it's all over, a quarter of the readers will still dig it, a quarter will be offended, a quarter still won't get what the site is all about, and a quarter will still be looking for Naruto pictures. Life is funny that way, and I love to laugh.

*end transmission*

Jeff Harris,
The X Bridge Creator/Webmaster
July 16, 2007


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